Membership Information

How To Join


What does the Union do?

The Musician's Union represents and protects its members in every field of professional musical activity. The AFM negotiates both international and local contracts and enforces employer observance of wage scales and working conditions, fringe benefits and overtime work. While local unions negotiate minimum wage scales for local engagements and deal with most matters within their own geographical areas, the International Union bargains collectively for all members employed in network radio and TV, videotape, educational TV, music videos, theatrical motion pictures, TV films, commercials, phonograph records, cable and pay TV, documentary films and traveling musical productions.


Membership is open to all musicians and vocalists who work part-time or full-time in pop, rock, country, jazz, classical, folk or other areas of music making in the United States and Canada.

Membership Benefits & Services

Although membership with the Musician's Union has many benefits, our members also have the responsibility to contribute to the continued success of the union.  This includes paying dues and most importantly, PARTICIPATION!! Without your active participation in the Local 34-627 decision making process, we cannot effectively serve you.  If you decide to join, we urge you to take advantage of our member service programs, attend our meetings and social events, vote for officers (or become one), communicate your ideas and help make the union a better organization for all musicians. Please keep in mind that the Musician's Union is not a hiring hall or booking agency and we cannot guarantee you work as a musician.

Cost to become a member

The cost to join the Musician's Union includes a $85.00 Local 34-627 initiation fee, a $65.00 Federation initiation fee, and $35.00 for your first 3 months dues, for a total of $185.00.   If you cannot afford to pay it all at once, please inquire about our installment payment plan.  If you are under the age of 21 you may qualify for our youth program.  The cost could prove to be the most important investment you make in your career as a professional musician


Regular member dues are $140.00 annually or $35.00 per quarter.
Life Member's dues are $80.00 annually or $20.00 per quarter.

Quarterly dues should be paid at the first of each quarter, January, April, July, and October.

Submission of dues is determined by the postmark. The grace period is the first month of
each quarter: January, April, July and October, after which there is a $1.00 per month
charge for late fees.


For further information about joining the AFM call:
Kansas City Federation of Musicians
11 East Gregory Blvd. Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64114-1117

(816) 361-0201

e-mail KCFM

Musicians Union Local No. 34-627 (All Rights Reserved)